30th July:  International Friendship Day

This day is dedicated to celebrating Friendship—one of the sweetest bonds, formed by a mutual relationship of trust, affection, cooperation, and support between two or more persons. We all need friends, no matter what we are going through or where we are in life.

If two persons can be friends, two families can be friends, two neighbourhoods can be friends, two cities, two nations … the world can be bonded by friendship! What a different world that would be! So, kudos to friendship, the bond between hearts!

A good and true friend is hard to find and, if found, it must be considered as God’s special blessing. C.S. Lewis, the renowned British novelist and poet, said “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art. It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.”

So true are these words; no life is worthwhile without friendship. This is the most vital ingredient to live life to its fullest. We need someone special to share our happiness, our sadness and our problems; to share moments of joys and success too.  A true friend is one in whom we can trust blindly; one who knows everything about you and still loves you.

When everything seems to be going against us, it is our friends who fill us with courage and give us courage to keep fighting.  Walking with a friend in the dark is way better than walking in the light alone.

It is a popular custom of celebrating this Day by offering yellow and pink roses to your friends or exchanging “Friendship bands”.

The Miracle of Friendship

There is a miracle called Friendship
that dwells within the heart
and you don’t know how it happens
or even when it starts…


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Sr Esme Da Cunha FDCC

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