In this frank first person account, young Andrea tell us of the insecurities and fears she faced, and how she learnt to cope and make sense of life.

Life is a rollercoaster; as it is for many people. Some have a more plain-sailing ride, whilst others experience a few bumps and twists along the way. You know what I have realised over the years? It is perfectly okay for it not to be ‘perfect’!

I was born in Dubai, and, although only two weeks premature, I was underweight at 2.2 kg. I stayed in ICU for several weeks before I was healthy enough to go home. Fast forward a few years and I moved to England after my Dad lost his businesses. My family decided to start again from A to Z. The aftermath of the losses still holds a cloud over the family, though it is much lighter now than the storm it brewed. The stress it engraved remains, as many issues still derive from the hardships. I would see my mum pray to Jesus when she was sad or in need. At that time, I never knew, but now I know that it was her ‘escape’ to face reality—the irony. It was a way of talking to someone who you hoped would understand when you felt alone…and that moment has stayed with me ever since.

Fear was stopping me

Skipping a few more years…I grew up in a very modern British household. However, my Indian roots also came into play. My brother and I were given the opportunity to fulfil anything we desired, whilst at the same time being also wrapped in cotton wool (wool of love and protection, which I thank my parents for, since I feel very lucky).

I have always been an energetic and curious person that wanted to explore and sense adventure. But my past experiences made it difficult for me to have the confidence to take some major decisions alone, that would require utmost independence. I recognised that it was fear stopping me from reaching my potential…


Andrea Nazareth

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