Book Review

Book Review

Book Review : A Civilization of Love | La Salle

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A Civilization of Love: What Every Catholic Can Do to Transform the World

Carl Anderson

In this book, Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, emphasizes the need for Catholics to counter destructive secular ideologies with a vision rooted in love and goodness. Anderson challenges the modern misunderstanding of love as mere romance, advocating for a Christian love that emphasizes self-responsibility, self-denial, hard work, unconditional generosity, and devotion to others. He argues that this love, grounded in the Gospel, can build a civilization rooted in the love of God. Anderson highlights the misconception of identity with Descartes’ “I think therefore I am” and proposes a deeper insight: “I love therefore I am,” emphasizing that human identity is rooted in being loved by God. He stresses the importance of the ‘other’ in divine love and the necessity of freedom, values, equality, and human dignity for its existence. Drawing inspiration from Mother Teresa’s acts of charity, Anderson emphasizes the perseverance and selflessness required in building a civilization of love.

Making a reference of Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum novarum, Anderson underscores the idea that obedience to natural law renders complex laws and governments irrelevant. He criticizes the limitations of state welfare in caring for the poor, noting the effectiveness of private charities and voluntary organizations. Echoing Pope Benedict XVI, Anderson warns against complete dependence on state provisions, as it may degrade human dignity and society. He cites Vaclav Havel’s insights on the demoralization of Czech society during the communist era, attributing it to the loss of love, compassion, humility, and forgiveness when humans were reduced to mere forces of production.

La Salle, Patron of All Teachers

Edward Fitzpatrick

This book is a study of the life and contributions of St Jean Baptiste de La Salle, an 18th-century French educational reformer and founder of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Celebrated as the patron saint of youth educators, La Salle’s pioneering work in modern education for the poor had been overlooked for centuries. Fitzpatrick aims to rectify historical inaccuracies and conflicting interpretations surrounding La Salle’s legacy. The book begins by highlighting La Salle’s life and his role as an educator, shedding light on the vision behind his educational contributions. Living in a time when formal education was not prioritized by society, La Salle envisioned reaching the common people, especially the downtrodden. Despite facing numerous challenges, he championed the idea that even children of the common people deserve quality education. La Salle’s educational services expanded across many French cities, establishing the first training colleges for secular teachers, reformatory schools, and schools for various subjects. Pioneering modern educational methods, La Salle advocated for teaching in the mother tongue, promoted the presence of good libraries, and organized classrooms efficiently. Guided by the image of Christ as a teacher, he emphasized that teachers should be models and “ambassadors of Christ in the profession of teacher.” La Salle’s impact extended through the society of religious teachers he founded, which continues to thrive. Despite stepping down as the head of the Christian Brothers in 1717, he served as a brother until his death at the age of 68. Canonized in 1900, La Salle’s work remains influential in the realm of education.

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Book Review

Book Review : True Spouse of Jesus Christ | The Mystical City of God

Book Review : True Spouse of Jesus Christ | The Mystical City of God

True Spouse of Jesus Christ: or the Nun Sanctified By the Virtues of Her State

St Alphonsus M Liguori

This work is a profound reflection on the ideals of monastic life. Written in the 18th century, Alphonsus Liguori, a doctor of the Church and founder of the Redemptorists, provides guidance for nuns, but emphasizes its relevance for all seeking deep spirituality and adherence to religious vows. Divided into 24 chapters, the book covers various aspects of religious life, including the excellence of consecrated virginity, the advantages of a religious state, self-denial, interior and external mortification, humility, fraternal charity, patience, and more. Liguori emphasizes that love in the science of the saints produces knowledge. The final chapter presents the ‘Rule of Life for a Religious Who Desires to Become a Saint,’ outlining virtues essential for aspiring saints. Additionally, two letters are included—one addressed to a novice, urging gratitude for choosing a happier existence as Jesus’ spouse, and another to a woman in doubt, encouraging her to consider the blessedness of renouncing the world. Overall, Liguori’s work combines deep reflection with devotional aspects, offering valuable insights for both religious and secular individuals seeking a life of profound spirituality and virtue.

The Mystical City of God –

Venerable Mary of Agreda.

This is a four-volume work offering private revelations approved by the Church. Venerable Mary, a Franciscan Abbess, experienced visions from the Blessed Virgin, providing insights into the hidden life of Mary and events not covered in the Gospels. The book, a classic of Marian mysticism, details five segments of Mary’s life: the Conception, Incarnation, Transfixion, and Coronation. Despite doubts and controversies, the work was eventually published after a lengthy process, including doubts, investigations, and theological debates. Mary of Agreda’s bilocation reports in the 1620s, particularly among the Jumano tribe in New Mexico and Texas, inspired Franciscan missionaries. The narrative spans from the Virgin’s Immaculate Conception to her Assumption and Coronation, presenting Mary as Co-Redemptress alongside Jesus. Thematically divided into three parts, the book covers Mary’s life including the Annunciation, Christ’s entire life and Mary’s role in salvation, and finally, Mary’s life after Christ’s Ascension to her transition, Assumption, and Coronation as the Empress of Heaven. Commended by popes, cardinals, and theologians, it remains a contemplative journey through biblical events from the perspective of the Mother of God.

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Book Review

Book Review : God’s Best Ideas! | Evangelisation

Book Review : God’s Best Ideas!  | Evangelisation

God’s Best Ideas!

Fr Fio Mascarenhas (1998)

This publication is a concise guide to spirituality for the third millennium. The book, written in response to John Paul II’s call to “broaden horizons,” explores key Catholic doctrines in a simple, clear manner grounded in the Bible. The introduction focuses on the Fatherhood of God, revealed in the Old Testament and further expounded in the Gospels. Recognizing the crisis in today’s faith formation due to modern secularism, the author advocates for a fresh approach to Catholic spirituality and a new evangelization based on Trinitarian spirituality. The book begins with a reflection on God’s fatherhood, culminating in the teachings of Jesus in Matthew and John’s Gospels. Chapter 1 shares the author’s personal experiences as a seminarian and pastor, emphasizing the need for a more profound experience of the Good News rather than mere ritualization and intellectualization. Subsequent chapters explore Jesus, the spiritual experiences of saints like St. Francis and Ignatius Loyola, the role of the Holy Spirit in the Church, the Eucharist, the Bible, and Marian devotion. Throughout, the author emphasizes that God’s best ideas aim to bless, heal, strengthen, and provide abundant life. In essence, the book encourages disciples to be actively involved in the world, transforming it into a place where the upright feel at home.

Evangelisation: The Story of Jesus, His Apostles and Evangelists (2010)

Fr Joseph Parachalil

This book offers a fresh perspective on Jesus, tracing his ministry through the apostolic mission, Church fathers, and into the modern world via legendary saints and martyrs. Grounded in the Bible, it reveals historical insights often overlooked by the ordinary faithful. Emphasizing the Church’s essential missionary nature, the author calls for a revitalization of the Mission of Christ, echoing Jesus’ command to “preach the Gospel to the whole creation.” The book, spanning 23 chapters, explores the roots of the Church, the struggles of apostles globally, including India, and the challenges faced by later Churches. In our contemporary era, the author asserts the need to repeatedly share the story of Jesus and his disciples, translating the great message of salvation into daily life after encountering Christ. Dispelling misconceptions, individual chapters focus on prominent figures like Saints Peter, Andrew, James, Thomas, Matthias, Paul, Barnabas, John, Simon the Zealot, and even Judas Iscariot, followed by the evangelists. Noteworthy historical tidbits include St. Thomas as the acknowledged first apostle of India and the brief evangelization and martyrdom of Bartholomew (possibly Nathaniel) in North India around the same time. Ultimately, the book underscores that the mission of evangelization is achieved not through teachers and preachers alone but by the living examples of those committed to the cause, sharing their personal experiences.

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Book Review

Book Review : Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff | I Am a Christian

Book Review

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff … And It’s All Small Stuff 🙁 1996)

-Richard Carlson

“Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff … And It’s All Small Stuff” (1996) by Richard Carlson presents 88 concise reflections, guiding readers on how to cultivate a positive attitude towards life’s inevitable challenges. The book encourages us to adopt a calmer approach, directing our focus away from trivial concerns. Carlson’s insights stem from his personal experiences and the wisdom of great minds like Pascal. He stresses the importance of controlling our thoughts and reactions in the midst of life’s frantic pace. Carlson encourages introspection, urging readers to envision themselves at their own funerals, prompting essential changes while there is still time. He emphasizes the significance of empathy, highlighting the realness of others’ struggles, and how a compassionate attitude can bring inner peace. The book underscores the value of effective communication, advocating for active listening and understanding others’ perspectives without interrupting. Carlson promotes finding joy in ordinary moments, nurturing the body and soul, managing finances, and seizing the present moment, given the uncertainty of life.

I Am a Christian: Authentic Accounts of Christian Martyrdom and Persecution from the Ancient Sources (2018) – Anthony P. Schiavo, Jr.

“I Am a Christian: Authentic Accounts of Christian Martyrdom and Persecution from the Ancient Sources” (2018) by Anthony P. Schiavo, Jr. counters modern skepticism toward Christianity by providing a well-researched historical account of the faith’s origins, focusing on early Church martyrs. The book draws on authentic sources, including eyewitness testimonies, legal proceedings, and historical records, shedding light on the trials and triumphs of early Christians in the Roman Empire. It highlights the steadfastness of these martyrs in the face of brutal persecution, as well as the profound impact of their unwavering faith on their persecutors. Moreover, it poignantly illustrates instances where the unyielding faith of these martyrs had a profound impact on their persecutors, often leading to conversions and the eventual spread of Christianity. Beyond its historical significance, “I Am a Christian” resonates as a testament to the enduring strength of faith, providing contemporary readers with a profound appreciation of the historical foundations and enduring resilience of the Christian tradition.

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Book Review

Book Review : The Power of Habit | Mary: The Complete Resource

Book Review : The Power of Habit | Mary: The Complete Resource

The Power of Habit – Charles Duhigg (2012)
In Charles Duhigg’s book, “The Power of Habit” (2012), he emphasizes a key point: “You can’t extinguish a bad habit, you can only change it.” Duhigg highlights how humans and institutions are creatures of habit, whether the habits are good or bad. Bad habits can have a detrimental hold on us, but changing them can lead to greater self-discipline and control over time. Habits are powerful because they operate almost like autopilot in our lives, requiring minimal effort from our brains. They are a way for our brains to conserve energy. Habits are structured in a three-part loop: cue, routine, and reward, which accounts for about 40% of our daily actions. Changing habits is possible but requires willpower. The author goes on to expand:
Willpower, the key to change, can be strengthened in three ways:
Practice Discipline: Engage in challenging activities that require discipline, like a strict morning routine or diet. This practice in delaying gratification boosts your willpower for the day.
Anticipate Challenges: Prepare for challenging situations, like anticipating a difficult conversation with your boss. This mental preparation helps you maintain composure when these situations arise.
Protect Autonomy: Maintain your sense of individual autonomy, as it is crucial for happiness and willpower. Forcing yourself to do something against your willpower drains your mental energy faster and results in poorer outcomes.
Duhigg’s book is a rich blend of scientific research, personal experiences, and real-life anecdotes, making it engaging and enlightening.

Mary: The Complete Resource (2007) – Sarah Jane Boss (Ed)

“Mary: The Complete Resource” (2007), edited by Sarah Jane Boss, is a comprehensive 600-page book divided into five segments with 26 study articles. It serves as a valuable resource for both students and specialists interested in Marian theology. The book covers the history of Marian devotion from its beginnings in the primitive church through the Middle Ages and into the modern world. The segments include “Mariology,” “Traditions of Devotion,” and “Mary in Art and Literature.” Contributions from 16 experts in the field, along with original sources from the Bible and papal documents, provide a thorough understanding of Mary’s role in Christianity. The editor highlights that studying the cult of the Virgin Mary is essential for understanding Christianity as a whole. The book explores the diversity of Marian traditions among various Christian churches, emphasizing her role as a path to ecumenical understanding. The book includes essays, primary texts, and scholarly articles that cover topics ranging from the Virgin Mary in early Christianity to her role in art, literature, and film. It also delves into Islamic writings about Mary and addresses modern feminist perspectives and criticism. “Mary: The Complete Resource” offers a comprehensive exploration of Marian theology and its significance in Christianity, making it a valuable reference for scholars and students alike.

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Book Review

Book Review : Spiritual Gifts and the Church | The Power of Silence

Book Review : Spiritual Gifts and the Church | The Power of Silence

Spiritual Gifts and the Church

Donald Bridge, David Phypers (2001)

Spiritual Gifts and the Church originally published in 1973 and revised in 2001, explores the diverse beliefs and debates within various church denominations regarding the Holy Spirit’s gifts. The book draws insights from Paul’s Epistles, primarily 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4, to emphasize unity among Christians. Divided into three sections, it navigates through the role of spiritual gifts in the Church, the Baptism of the Spirit, and how to embrace these gifts. The authors highlight that while there is an abundance of literature on spiritual gifts, their aim is practical rather than academic. They seek to clarify shared fundamental truths among Christians, advocating for tolerance and unity. The opening chapter delves into Paul’s concept of the “Body of Christ,” characterized by its supernatural nature. It discusses the purpose, nature, origin, and number of spiritual gifts, referencing Paul’s Greek terms: Pneumatikoi, Charisma, diakonia, and phanerösis.

The book acknowledges that some aspects remain unclear, even to Paul himself, and cites disputes over early church practices. It explains the unique gifts granted to Apostles, Prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, and others, acknowledging that distinctions between these roles can be complex and are not always essential.  The current controversy within different denominations regarding the concept of the ‘Baptism of the Spirit’ and its manifestations, particularly in relation to the growing charismatic movements is discussed in detail.  The book encourages unity among Christians while exploring the multifaceted topic of spiritual gifts through a practical lens. Each individual is invited to share in the gifts of the Holy Spirit as historical examples show.

The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise

Cardinal Robert Sarah with Nicolas Diat (2016)

The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise is a profound dialogue between Cardinal Robert Sarah, a notable voice in the African Church, and Nicolas Diat. The five-chapter book captures their conversations at the La Grande Chartreuse monastery. Addressing modern challenges in a noisy, materialistic world, the book draws from saints, mystics, and Cardinal Sarah’s experiences. The cardinal explores key questions: Can truth, beauty, and love be grasped without silence? Does wisdom spring from silence, where God’s voice is heard? Creativity is nurtured in silence, but our loud world hinders its pursuit. Modernity’s lack of connection with the divine creates an anguishing dilemma. Silence, a profound relationship between humans and God, births prayer and depth.

Silence, the author contends, enables humans to follow God’s lead. It fosters encounters with God’s light and is more significant than any human endeavor. The true revolution emerges from silence, aligning us with God and service to others. Mother Teresa’s example highlights love born from seeking Jesus. Cardinal Sarah acknowledges the challenge of explaining divine silence. Pope Benedict XVI’s afterword lauds him as a spiritual guide, imparting wisdom from his deep union with the Lord. In essence, The Power of Silence offers insights into the trans-formative potential of silence amidst a noisy world, drawing from Cardinal Sarah’s profound reflections and experiences.

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Book Review

Book Review : A Severe Mercy | Atomic Habits

Book Review : A Severe Mercy | Atomic Habits

A Severe Mercy (1977) Sheldon Vanauken.

American writer Sheldon Vanauken’s memoir is a moving tale of a reputed intellectual couple’s journey from paganism to Christianity through love and an earnest search for the truth. Vanauken considers it a “spiritual autobiography of a love” rather than just a narrative about the lovers themselves. The memoir reflects on their marriage and spiritual journey following the death of Vanauken’s wife, Davy (Jean Davis). The story begins with the couple’s youthful and idealized love, which they referred to as the “Shining Barrier.”  They believed in sharing every aspect of their lives together, excluding even the possibility of having children. Their shared interests led them to marry shortly after meeting. Vanauken served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and settled in Miami afterward, enjoying sailing, fishing, and various odd jobs. Their encounter with a group of Christians at Oxford challenged their beliefs and sparked a spiritual quest. Vanauken’s correspondence with renowned Christian apologist C.S. Lewis played a significant role in their eventual conversion. Vanauken taught at Lynchburg College in Virginia, where they encountered indifference and a lack of faith. However, they formed friendships with curious youth whom they guided and counseled in matters of faith. Tragedy struck when Davy fell fatally ill with a liver infection. After a year-long struggle, she passed away in her husband’s arms. This immense loss plunged Vanauken into a spiritual struggle as he sought meaning in his existence. He turned to C.S. Lewis for solace and healing, leading to what Vanauken describes as the “Illumination of the Past.” This phase involved revisiting their life together and reflecting on Davy’s writings and artwork. Ten years later, Vanauken published these reflections. Ultimately, Vanauken found solace in Lewis’s remark about Davy’s death being a “severe mercy.” He realized that only Love Himself, with a severe mercy, could breach the Shining Barrier and save their guarded love for eternity.

Vanauken continued to sense the presence of his beloved even after her passing, looking forward to a future reunion in the afterlife. Eventually, he embraced the Catholic faith. In summary, “A Severe Mercy” is a beautiful and introspective memoir that delves into the couple’s profound love, their intellectual journey towards Christianity, and the transformative power of tragedy and faith.

Atomic Habits – James Clear (2018)

“Atomic Habits” (2018) by James Clear is a practical guide to self-improvement through the power of incremental changes in our daily habits. Clear emphasizes that habits are the compound interest of self-improvement, allowing us to become 1% better every day in various aspects of our lives. He shares his own journey of recovering from an accident that nearly ended his baseball career, highlighting the trans-formative potential of changing habits step by step. Clear introduces the Four Laws of Behavior Change as the foundation for his method of incremental change:

  1. Make it obvious: Clearly project your goal in front of you, setting a cue for action.
  2. Make it attractive: Visualize your desired outcome, fueling your motivation and craving for success.
  3. Make it easy: Simplify the actions needed to achieve your goal, making them easily executable.
  4. Make it satisfying: Ensure that engaging in the desired habit brings a sense of reward and satisfaction, reinforcing its continuity.

The book’s key lessons can be summarized as follows:

  1. Small habits make a significant difference: Consistently making small improvements can lead to meaningful and lasting change, even if the progress seems minimal at first.
  2. Focus on the system, not just goals: Prioritize developing effective systems and processes that lead to desired outcomes, fostering continuous improvement and refinement.
  3. Build identity-based habits: Transforming habits involves aligning your behavior with the person you aspire to be. Small wins and consistent actions help solidify a new identity and reinforce positive habits.

Overall, “Atomic Habits” provides practical insights into harnessing the power of habits to transform our lives and achieve long-term success.

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Book Review

Book Review : Catholicism | Mary Today

Book Review : Catholicism | Mary Today

Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of Faith

Robert Barron (2014)

This eminently readable book by Bishop Robert Barron is unsurprisingly a best seller now. It was born out of the script he wrote for a documentary film series that he had done under the same title and had been well received around the world. The book is directed at the general reader both in and outside of the Catholic Church or even outside the Christian fold. Arranged into ten chapters with a short coda in the end, Barron’s book begins with the question that anyone unacquainted with the church might ask: “What is the Catholic thing? What makes it distinctive among all of the competing philosophies, ideologies and religions of the world?” The book delves into the Incarnation, which sets Christianity apart, and showcases the rich history and cultural contributions of the Church through stories, biographies, images, and artistic expressions. Barron addresses theological arguments, differences among churches, and critiques from atheists and secular thinkers. In the words of the author, part of the genius of the Catholic tradition is that it never throws anything out! There is something for everyone in its wide space. His approach to the vast subject is celebratory, simple and colloquial, refreshing and appealing to a wide audience. As the book draws to a close, Barron shares a poignant quote from an elderly bishop discussing the agenda for Vatican Council II: “It’s all about God.” This statement encapsulates the underlying theme of the entire journey through Catholicism presented in the book. It reminds readers that, amidst the vast array of topics covered, the heart of the Catholic faith lies in a profound relationship with the divine. Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of Faith is a highly readable and widely acclaimed book that offers an immersive experience of the Catholic tradition.

Mary Today: Fundamental Issues and New Directions in Mariology

Joy Kaipan S D B(Ed)

This book is a collaborative effort by a group of authors focused on the subject of Mariology. It serves as a Festschrift honoring Dr. Thomas Panakezham SDB, Professor of Mariology at Kristu Jyoti College in Bangalore, on the occasion of his 80th birthday and the twin jubilee of his Diamond Jubilee of Religious Profession and Golden Jubilee of Ordination to the Priesthood. Dr. Panakezham, a scholar and passionate devotee of the Blessed Virgin Mary, finds special relevance in this book, as Mariology is his favorite subject. The book delves into the veneration of the Holy Virgin and Marian devotion, practices shared by the Orthodox and Catholic churches, yet remaining controversial among Protestant communities. The 16 chapters preceding the concluding chapter, which reminisces on Dr. Panakezham’s journey, cover various aspects of Mariology, encompassing its historical and theological dimensions. The opening chapter provides an overview of the book, discussing Mary in the Gospels, with a particular focus on the synoptic Gospels. Subsequent sections comprehensively explore different aspects of Mary based on the accounts found in the first three Gospels. Another chapter explores the Magnificat and its implications for faith, emphasizing the theme of hope. Addressing a common question raised by theologically uninitiated Christians and casual readers of the New Testament, the fourth chapter examines why Jesus addresses Mary as “Woman” in two instances in John’s Gospel and reveals the unique status afforded to the Mother of God, drawing connections to Pontius Pilate’s statement, “Behold the Man” (Jn 19:5). The book covers a wide range of topics, including Mary’s relationship with the Church, her presence in the liturgy of both Eastern and Western churches, Marian dogmas, her connection to priesthood, her role in fostering holiness among the faithful, and her portrayal as a model of Christian discipleship and full humanity. The book also explores popular Marian devotions, the role of Mary in catechesis, her significance within the Salesian congregation, and her representation as a model for youth. With its informative and engaging content, the book caters to both serious scholars and laypeople alike. It offers valuable insights into the study of Mariology while keeping readers intrigued by its diverse perspectives and profound exploration of the subject matter.  For both the serious scholar and the layperson, the book is both informative and interesting.

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Book Review

Democracy in Darjeeling

Democracy in Darjeeling

The book, Democracy in Darjeeling, is a comprehensive collection of 14 thought-provoking articles written by the author, at different times, who hails from Kerala and belongs to the Salesian community. In a remarkable display of interculturality, the author immersed himself in the local society, diligently learning the language and wholeheartedly embracing the spirit of Jesus’ incarnation, thus forging a deep connection with the people of Darjeeling. Drawing from his experiences as an educator, the author presents a refreshingly positive and imaginative perspective on sustaining democracy even amidst seemingly hopeless circumstances— a relevance that resonates powerfully in our current context. With a keen focus on the pivotal role that educational institutions can play in fostering a vibrant civil society, the book advocates for their active involvement in democratization efforts. At a time when the values of democracy are under threat, the book serves as an inspiring guide, offering valuable insights on how educational institutions—especially those associated with the Church in India—can become beacons of democratic principles for the youth.

The book delves into the historical backdrop, highlighting the Gorkhas’ persistent demand for the acknowledgment of the Nepali language as a medium of instruction, as well as their ardent plea for its official recognition in the hill areas of Darjeeling. Thadathil skillfully navigates the intricate terrain of these linguistic demands and underscores their significance in shaping the Gorkhas’ identity. Moreover, Democracy in Darjeeling aptly delves into the Gorkhas’ pursuit of including Nepali in the eighth schedule of the constitution—a demand that carries profound implications for their cultural preservation and political representation. Thadathil expertly elucidates the significance of this struggle and its resonance within the larger framework of democratic principles.   Through thoughtful analysis, Thadathil crafts a compelling narrative that not only showcases the Gorkhas’ resilience but also sheds light on the broader issues of linguistic and cultural rights within a democratic society. The book serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities and challenges faced by marginalized communities in their pursuit of identity and equality.  Democracy in Darjeeling is a remarkable contribution to the field of socio-political studies, offering readers a comprehensive and empathetic understanding of the Gorkhas’ struggle for recognition and their indispensable role in shaping the cultural fabric of Darjeeling.

Fr (Dr) George Thadathil SDB

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Book Review

Book Review : Your Life in the Holy Spirit | The Dialogue of the Seraphic Virgin Catherine of Siena

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Your Life in the Holy Spirit: What every Catholic needs to know and experience

– Alan Schreck (2007)

This insightful book explores essential questions about the Holy Spirit raised by the author’s study of the Bible. It delves into a series of questions that captivated the author’s attention while reading the Bible: “Does your life in Christ strengthen you? Does His love bring you comfort? Do you experience fellowship with the Holy Spirit?” Over the following ten chapters, these questions are explored and answered. It reveals the Spirit’s role as the life-giving, cleansing, and teaching power of the Trinity. The book clarifies misconceptions and emphasizes the Spirit’s relevance to our daily lives. It covers Pentecost, the Spirit’s role in prayer, speaking in tongues, and the necessity of the Spirit for true holiness. The author highlights similarities between early Church worship and aspects of present-day Catholic worship. The ten chapters, commencing with the chapter titled “Who is the Holy Spirit,” offer a refreshing and profound understanding of the undeniable reality of the faith experience, drawing extensively from biblical references. The book leads us through the initial encounter at Pentecost and explores its profound influence on the world.Additionally, the book addresses the often misunderstood topic of speaking in tongues or glossolalia. In the present-day Church, the work of the Spirit is channeled through a more complete and uninhibited utilization of the gifts bestowed by the Spirit. All Christians possess these charisms, and so employing them as members of the Body of Christ is essential for facing the challenges of our time.Ultimately, it encourages believers to embrace the Spirit’s Gifts to meet the challenges of today.

The Dialogue of the Seraphic Virgin Catherine of Siena-Translated by Algar Thorold

A New and Abridged Edition (1994.)

St. Catherine of Siena, a celebrated doctor of the Church, was born in 1347 in Siena, Italy. Despite her humble background and lack of formal education, she displayed exceptional spiritual insight from a young age. Catherine experienced divine visions and received the stigmata before her death at 33. Although she never joined a religious order, she became a member of the Dominican Third Order. Her extensive correspondence and the allegorical masterpiece, “The Dialogue of Divine Providence,” showcase her profound spiritual wisdom.  “The Dialogue” was believed to have been dictated between 1377 and 1378, during a state of ecstasy while God the Father spoke to her. The book is structured around four petitions to God, with responses presented metaphorically and allegorically. Catherine’s answers emphasize the importance of cultivating virtue, prayer, and obedience. Her explanations are practical, simple, and relatable, using everyday life imagery. She presents requests for herself, the reformation of the Church, prayers for the world and peace, and Divine Providence for specific concerns. The work focuses on four dominant subjects: Divine Providence, Discretion, Prayer, and Obedience. These provide vital guidance for deepening one’s faith and fostering a close relationship with God.  “The Treatise of Obedience” extols the virtues of obedience and offers guidance to those under the authority of an abbot, priest, or spiritual director. Obedience is portrayed as the key to Heaven, and the soul should bind it to her girdle like a cord. Obedience forgives sins and human shortcomings. In summary, St. Catherine of Siena’s writings, provide profound insights and guidance for living a faithful life. Her spiritual wisdom, expressed through practical examples and relatable imagery, offers lessons on virtue, prayer, and obedience, allowing readers to deepen their relationship with God and navigate the challenges of Christian life.

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